A story of friendship

About us
Press Herbs has always been a family owned and operated business. Working out of our wonderful location of White Salmon, Washington. Our story begins in 1996 with Daryl Hoyt and Krista Kaye. Founders/owners of Longevity Herbs Company. Daryl's previous background in metal work made for a unique herbal tincture press. The presses design acquired quite a following in Krista's company. Becoming the leading industry standard in herbal tincture presses.
In 2007 Luis Castaneda began his career and lifelong friendship with Daryl & Krista. While working in their metal shop he found joy in creating these herbal presses. After a few years of working together Daryl made an offer to Luis to take over the tincture press business. With such a special offer, how could he refuse, so I accepted to become the new owner. Now with the new name of "Press Herbs". The Castaneda family is now in charge of production and manufacturing.